Saturday, September 18, 2010

Simple Ehcache in Grails

The other day I needed to cache some results from a several remote services within my Grails application. It wasn't critical to that the response from the remote services be "real-time" and it was O.K. if the information was 10 minutes old (but no older). There are so many ways I could have done this within my Grails application, but I turned to EhCache since I was already using it for my Hibernate 2nd level cache.

First thing I needed to do was setup a simple cache. So here is what I added to resources.groovy:

beans = {
org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheFactoryBean) {
timeToLive = 600 // life span in seconds

Next it was as simple as injecting this new bean into my services and making use of the cache. Here is a quick example of checking the cache, getting from it, and adding to it.

def dataThatMightBeCached
if (simpleRemoteServiceCache.get("theCacheKey")) {
dataThatMightBeCached = simpleRemoteServiceCache.get("theCacheKey").getValue()
} else {
// ... other code to get the data to be cached ...
new net.sf.ehcache.Element("theCacheKey",

That just about does it. EhCache handles expiring the content automatically based upon the timeToLive property for us. Pretty simple really. I could have configured the cache even further either in resources.groovy or in ehcache.xml, but the defaults work for my needs right now.

You can find similar examples of using caches on the Ehcache samples page.

Grails and simple realm-based authentication

Today's post is brought to you by skamster from the #grails IRC channel on freenode and describes how to setup memory-realm-based authentication with Tomcat.

First, you will need to "install templates" if you haven't already. Next, you will need to edit your web.xml file located in src/templates/war and replace the old security constraint (towards the end of the file) with the following:

<!-- This would protect the entire site -->

<!-- Roles that have access -->

<!-- BASIC authentication -->
<realm-name> Example Basic Authentication </realm-name>

The above is telling Tomcat that you want require basic authentication for all URLs and what Roles have access. Next, you will need to add a user and role.

The final step is to create a script called "_Events.groovy" in your scripts directory for your project with the following:

eventConfigureTomcat = {tomcat ->
tomcat.addUser("testUser", "testpassword")
tomcat.addRole("testUser", "testRole")

This simply adds a user (testUser) with the role of "testRole" to the authentication realm for Tomcat.

That's it. Now you have simple realm-based authentication setup for your application. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Grails JMX - Redux

Here is an updated resources.groovy with some additional JMX controls exposed. Thanks to schmolly159 on the #grails freenode IRC channel for the examples and suggestion!

beans = {
// JMX mBean server
mbeanServer(MBeanServerFactoryBean) {

// log4j JMX

// Hibernate stats
hibernateStats(org.hibernate.jmx.StatisticsService) {
sessionFactory = ref("sessionFactory")
statisticsEnabled = true

// JMX exporter
exporter(MBeanExporter) {
server = mbeanServer
beans = [
"log4j:hierarchy=default": log4jBean,
"hibernate:name=HibernateStatistics": hibernateStats,
"dataSource:name=DataSource": ref("dataSource"),
"quartz:name=QuartzScheduler": ref("quartzScheduler")

A few things to note about the above configuration.

First, the "statisticsEnabled" property of the hibernate statistics bean must be after the sessionFactory otherwise the sessionFactory will reset this to the default of "false".

Second, the above also assumes you have the Quartz plug-in installed.

Otherwise, it's that simple.

Do you have any beans that you find yourself exposing through JMX? Let us know in the comments!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Grails log4j JMX in one easy step

Here is a quick way to enable log4j control in JMX with Grails. Just update your resources.groovy like so:

import org.springframework.jmx.export.MBeanExporter
import org.apache.log4j.jmx.HierarchyDynamicMBean

beans = {

mbeanServer(MBeanServerFactoryBean) {

exporter(MBeanExporter) {
server = mbeanServer
beans = ["log4j:hierarchy=default":log4jBean]

That's it. Now you can use jconsole to control your log4j settings, which during development/debug can be quite helpful. Of course you could take this much further by only enabling it in specific environments (e.g. development only), but that's up to you!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Groovy and Grails Strings

The other day on the freenode #grails channel schmolly159 pointed out a subtle diffrence in Groovy (and thus Grails) string handling. Let's see an example first.

log.warn("I am warning you!")
log.warn('I am warning you!')

In this example there are two log warning statements. They look very similar don't they? Look closely at the very minor difference. One is using double quotes for the string value and the other is using single quotes.

Now, the interesting part is actually how Groovy interprets the string. The double quoted string is actually a GString while the single quoted string is just a Java string.

"So what?", you might ask. In this specific example there is no technical reason to make Groovy use a GString. It's not using any of the features of the GString and thus we are just making Groovy work a bit harder to give us a Java string. Regardless of what "a bit harder" actually equates to (nanoseconds most likely), it all adds up.

In very large systems things like this add up over time. So be thoughtful about what kind of strings you are using. It could make a difference in the long-run.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Integration Tests with Shiro and Nimble

Today we have a guest posting from Uris on the #grails channel. I know he spent quite a bit of time trying to solve this issue so rather than keep it to himself he wanted to share it with everyone else.

I recently hit a road block when trying to do integration tests for some controllers that required an authenticated user. We were using Nimble plugin, which basically uses shiro for authentication. Nimble injects an instance of the authenticated user into each controller called 'authenticatedUser'. The particular controller we were testing required that an 'authenticatedUser' be passed on to a service to do a certain action. I kept getting the following error when running the test:

No SecurityManager accessible to the calling code, either bound to the
org.apache.shiro.util.ThreadContext or as a vm static singleton.
This is an invalid application configuration.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No SecurityManager accessible to the
calling code, either bound to the org.apache.shiro.util.ThreadContext
or as a vm static singleton.
This is an invalid application configuration.
at org.apache.shiro.SecurityUtils.getSecurityManager(
at org.apache.shiro.SecurityUtils.getSubject(
at org.apache.shiro.SecurityUtils$ Source)
at NimbleGrailsPlugin$_injectAuthn_closure8.doCall(NimbleGrailsPlugin.groovy:137)
at NimbleGrailsPlugin$_injectAuthn_closure8.doCall(NimbleGrailsPlugin.groovy)

I needed to find a way to mock an authenticated user into the test for the controller to use. After a lot of googling, volumes of java, and lots of Iron Maiden, we finally discovered how to do it. First we needed to mock an instance of org.apache.shiro.subject.Subject:

def subject = [getPrincipal: {863},
isAuthenticated: {true}
]as Subject

863 is the id of the default admin user created by Nimble during bootstrap. It might differ for another application, but in this particular case it is 863. Next we need to inject this Subject into org.apache.shiro.util.ThreadContext:

[getSubject: {subject} as SecurityManager])

The final step is to make sure that Shiro's SecurityUtils returns an instance of Subject:

SecurityUtils.metaClass.static.getSubject = {subject}

The final code looks something like this:

import org.apache.shiro.util.ThreadContext
import org.apache.shiro.subject.Subject
import org.apache.shiro.SecurityUtils

def subject = [getPrincipal: {863},
isAuthenticated: {true}
]as Subject
[getSubject: {subject} as SecurityManager])
SecurityUtils.metaClass.static.getSubject = {subject}

Monday, September 6, 2010

Firefox Add-ons

Working with Grails and JSON/XML data is quite simple. However, during development sometimes it's nice to see what's being sent back and forth between the browser and the server. That's where these two Add-ons for FireFox come in.

1. HTTPFox - This little add-on will give you the ability to see the HTTP headers, posted data, query string data, and raw response (including XML and JSON). Always a handy little tool to have.

2. JSONView - While HTTPFox will show you the raw JSON in the response, this little add-on will show you the JSON in a formatted (pretty) way. Making debugging a bit easier.

These two add-ons have been a real life saver many of times for me when digging around trying to find that one little thing that is wrong. They might just help you too!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Testing Grails UrlMappings

One thing that often gets overlooked in testing Grails applications is testing any changes you may have made to UrlMappings.groovy. It's understandable that this would happen, but here is how to fix that.

Let's say you have the following in your UrlMappings.groovy

class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
"/login"(controller: "security", action:"login")
constraints {
// apply constraints here

Really nothing much going on here with the one exception of the custom mapping of /login to the security controller login action. So that's really what we want to test, and here is how:

class UrlMappingsTestCase extends GrailsUrlMappingsTestCase {
void testMappings() {
controller: "security",
action: "login"

assertForwardUrlMapping(500, view: "error")

That's the basics. Nothing too complicated going on here. I even threw in an example of testing status code (500 in this case) and forwarding. GrailsUrlMappingsTestCase has other asserts that can be used to test other types of mappings so you might want to to read the source.

Remember, as a rule of thumb: "If it's important enough to write, it's important enough to test."

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Groovy ranges and combinations

Today I stumbled upon Groovy combinations and thought I would share my findings. The idea behind them is quite simple. Take a collection of collections and produce all the combinations of those items. Here is a very quick example:

def stuff = [['apple', 'orange'], ['cat', 'zebra']]
def combo = stuff.combinations()
println combo

// results in: [[apple, cat], [orange, cat],
// [apple, zebra], [orange, zebra]]

That's neat, and useful, but really not exciting.

That's where ranges come in to play. Remember, ranges are collections too! So we can have something like this:

def pat = { "${one}-${two}-${three}" }

def range1 = 1..2
def range2 = 'A'..'B'
def range3 = 'X'..'Z'
def combo = [range1, range2, range3].combinations()

def applied = combo.collect {
one = it[0]
two = it[1]
three = it[2]
println applied

// results in: [1-A-X, 2-A-X, 1-B-X, 2-B-X, 1-A-Y,
// 2-A-Y, 1-B-Y, 2-B-Y, 1-A-Z, 2-A-Z, 1-B-Z, 2-B-Z]

Now that's exciting!

Grails partial validation

So yesterday I pointed out how partial binding could be done with your domain classes. Today, I will point out how partial validation of your domain classes can be achieved. Let's change our domain class from yesterday to have some constraints.

package com.xyzcorp

class Widget {
Date dateCreated
String sku
int quantity

static constraints = {
dateCreated(nullable: false)
sku(nullable: false, blank: false, maxSize: 15)
quantity(nullable: false, min: 0)

static mapping = {
autoTimestamp true

Even though the nullable constraints are true by default for all properties on a domain class, I find it helpful to actually include them so there is no confusion about the intent. Given the same situation as yesterday where we only want to bind the sku property we will only validate the sku property with partial validation. Here is an example of how that is accomplished:

// some code within our controller or service
// instead of calling widgetInstance.validate() we can do the following

What we are doing here is passing a map of properties to validate telling it specifically which properties to validate. As you can see this isn't a difficult thing to do, it's just one of those things that you may not have known about.

Using partial validation in combination with partial binding Grails gives you the tools to avoid being forced to use command objects. Another use of partial validation is to avoid expensive validation of properties that you know haven't changed. Also, this is also very useful when you need to test the validation implementation for a specific property in a unit/integration test.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Let me know!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Run last failed test, again!

In the course of fixing an issue or implementing a new feature you might just find yourself running your "grails test-app" over and over. Yes, you could also supply a pattern matcher to limit the things to test, but even better is the ability to just run the last failed tests using "grails test-app -rerun".