Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Groovy and Grails code snippets

Sometimes the best way to learn new things is to read other peoples code. I personally learned quite a lot reading the Spring framework and Spring security source code over the years, but that's not for the faint of heart.

Snipplr gives you the opportunity to browse smaller code snippets and maybe even pick up a few new tricks. Searching around I have found some gems in the Groovy and Grails categories.

Here are a few I found this morning:
  1. Download files from FTP in Groovy using Ant task
  2. Groovy way to create File and URL MD5 hashes

What cool snippets did you find? Let's hear about them!


  1. My favorite groovyfied java (with grails): "http://google.com/search?q=groovy".toUrl().text
