Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Uploading Files in Grails

Here's the slides from a presentation I did at the UGGUG in May 2010. I found that I needed to use it again today so I posted it.

Here is the source code for the uploader service I created:

A tip that you may enjoy is the way I implemented this uploader into a real world application. I wanted to be able to upload files into a folder within the web-app folder for development, but in production, I wanted to put it in a folder that is served via Tomcat directly. So on our production server, I created a folder at /opt/assets and created a symbolic link in the $TOMCAT_ROOT/webapps/assets to point to it. I modified the service as follows:

I then create a folder in my web-app folder named 'assets', being sure to add it to my ignore list for the repository. So once I upload the file, it will save to the correct location.

Now to view the image, all I have to do is the following:

This now will work in both DEVELOPMENT and PRODUCTION enviroments.



  1. Many Grails learners like me would have same problem I got when try to upload huge file.

    So I found a solution and share:

    To increase/set the limit of file size to be uploaded, add resources.xml in /con/spring/



  2. Ok... tags in comment are not allowed... so here is the related link: http://tinyurl.com/36ugc6w

  3. If you use g:uploadForm instead of g:form you can omit setting enctype since the tag does it for you - see http://grails.org/doc/latest/ref/Tags/uploadForm.html

  4. Any ideas using JAXRS to create a User resource and POST data to /api/user instead of use a form??? Thanks!
